Thomas Week 2
Shiela Go-Thomas here to tell you about this week at the house. The week started out very well, I mad the right choice at work to work with tangible and started at theory about how we theorize.
Not to praise myself or anything but it was pretty clever. With this new influx, it means we could remodel the house. Trey's kids could have separate rooms instead of just living with Thomas. We are the first family in Prosperity Bay to get a kitchen and dining room.
You may wonder about the girl in the background there. Cassie had invited her home one afternoon. They had met last week and really got along, they would pillowfight, tickle each other. It wasn't until one evening that it was something more than friendship.
I'm happy for her, she's got what she wanted out of life. It seems like the two will be going to university together. In fact, Cassie spent most of the week doing homework, then working on her skills to get scholarships. I don't think Trey knows yet, and I will respect Cassie by giving her time to tell him herself.
Trey decided he wanted to make toy robots. Thomas had allowed the crafting station to be placed in his room. I am starting to wonder if Thomas is deaf. I don't understand how he could sleep thought all the clanging of metal. *shrugs*
Anthony also had a birthday. He is more like his grandfather. Wanting to have fun all the time. He mentioned over dinner he wanted to have 50 first dates. Quite a feat if you ask me. I only needed two dates to be convinced who I liked. He wants 50 dates with 50 different people. I have a feeling he will start this next week, as the house is now rather empty.
I say empty because Jeremy and Cassie left for college Saturday night. Cassie had gotten a cooking scholarship and another due to her good grades. Jeremy only had his grades working for him.
You may have noticed that I hyphenated my name at the beging of this entry. That's because Trey finally asked me to be his wife. He said he no longer feared getting engaged and married again. I was a bit offended by this, but after being left by his first wife, I can understand.
Anthony and Thomas were the only people in attendance.
Accomplishments: Shiela brings in a lot of money, Jeremy and Anthony to teen, Thomas to top of elder career, Jeremy and Cassie to University.
Labels: Thomas